Meet the customers who benefit from FarmDroid
Customer stories
With more than 500 robots running worldwide - our customers are creating a real impact in optimizing yield.

How FarmDroid boosts chicory yields and cuts costs
"Less spraying, more hoeing—better for the crop, better for the yield."
- Gert SterenborgCountry: The Netherlands
Crops: ChicorySeasons: 2 (Since 2024)
Conventional farming
How Pieter from the Netherlands is using FarmDroid to overcome challenges
"It is extremely accurate! Even better than we had expected."
- Pieter-Jan VisserCountry: The Netherlands
Crops: ChicorySeasons: 3 (Since 2023)
Conventional farming
Reducing the use of chemicals
"A way to reduce chemicals is to remove weed with a robot like this"
- Joost DerksCountry: Holland
Crops: Sugar beet, ChicorySeasons: 4 (Since 2022)
Conventional farming
Improved kale cultivation with robot technology
"Transplanting is hard work, so we started looking for alternatives"
- Karl Henrik HansenCountry: Denmark
Crops: KaleSeasons: 7 (Since 2019)
Conventional farming
New way of farming gives great progress
"I didn't know what I was getting into"
- Bernd SchretzmeierCountry: Germany
Crops: Onion, BeetrootSeasons: 6 (Since 2020)
Organic farming
How the robot makes you less dependent on manual labor
"It does a good job"
- Anton MaierCountry: Germany
Crops: Sugar beetSeasons: 6 (Since 2020)
Organic farming
Three brothers make sugar beet farming easier
"It was easier for me"
- Michael NadererCountry: Germany
Crops: Sugar beetSeasons: 6 (Since 2020)
Organic farming
Parsley farmer invests in robot and saves money on manual hand weeding
"It was very important for us to invest in the FarmDroid"
- Johan TremmelCountry: Germany
Crops: ParsleySeasons: 5 (Since 2021)
Organic farming
FarmDroid gives more control
"It's easy to use and is very precise!"
- Anders Tornslev BachCountry: Denmark
Crops: Rapeseed, Sugar beet, Fodder beet rootSeasons: 6 (Since 2020)
Organic farming
Weeding in the rows and between the plants
"It's exciting technology!"
- Jesper Skovgaard SchiønningCountry: Denmark
Crops: Sugar beetSeasons: 6 (Since 2020)
Organic farming