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General Questions

  • Where can I see a farmdroid in action?

    Throughout the year we have regular demo days, where we show the FarmDroid in action. To learn more about when and where contact us or your nearest distributor.

    We have FarmDroids running in most of Europe as well as in Canada and Australia, so most likely we can arrange a demonstration nearby you.

  • Can one robot handle multiple crops?

    The robot is compatible with more than 50 crops and can easily be moved between fields with different crops. One field can also be divided into smaller plots with different crops. Whatever your needs are, the robot can handle it!

  • What is the capacity of the robot?

    One robot can seed and weed up to 6.5 hectares pr. day under optimal conditions. By combining more robots, the capacity will be increased because they are able to work together in the same field or several fields.

  • Which crops can the farmdroid handle?

    Our FarmDroid FD20 has already seeded and weeded many different crops and the list of crops that it can handle continues to grow. Farmers have successfully used FarmDroid for sugar beet, beetroot/red beet, onion, spinach, salad, kale, rapeseed, cauliflower, broccoli, turnip, flower seeds and various herbs. Learn more here.

    If you wonder whether FarmDroid can seed and weed a specific crop, please just contact us and we will be happy to find out.

  • Does the robot use camera systems for crop recognition?

    No, the robot uses RTK GPS technology to seed and weed.

    It does not rely on expensive camera systems to weed. Therefore, it can also start weeding even before the crops have germinated. It does not need to see the crops, because it knows exactly where they are placed in the field.

    There is a camera on the robot, but it just enables the farmer to remotely log into the robot from a dedicated mobile app, to see how the robot is working.

  • How fast does the robot drive?

    The robot drives between 750-950 m/h. The slow and steady pace makes it possible for the robot to work extremely precisely. It is because of the slow speed that it can seed and weed with down to 8 mm precision.

  • Can the robot drive faster?

    Yes, in theory the robot could drive faster. However, if it drove faster, it would not be able to work as precise as it does. The slow and steady pace is key to the robot’s extremely precise work.

  • How do you transport the robot?

    There are different ways of transporting the robot:

    • With a 3-point hitch that is compatible with all tractors to move it on private roads and between fields
    • The dedicated transport platform for public roads
    • By putting the FarmDroid in manual mode and steer it manually for short distances
  • Who can use the FarmDroid?

    The FarmDroid is made for farmers who want to increase their yield while caring for the environment. FarmDroid FD20 is a lightweight, ultra-high precision robot that empowers farmers to create a real impact.

    We know farming is also a business, so we want to provide a real sustainable alternative to existing solutions. Investing in a FarmDroid will take you leaps in the direction of reducing harmful chemicals and CO2 emissions.

  • Is the robot only for organic farmers?

    No. The FarmDroid can be used by both ecological and conventional farmers. Historically most ecological farmers has invested in a FarmDroid because manual hand weeding is hard work, but with increasing focus on reducing harmful chemicals in farming, the FarmDroid can reduce the use of chemicals in conventional farming as well.

    Equipped with its own Spot Application System, the FarmDroid is able to minimize the use of chemicals to around 97%. It does that by combining mechanical weeding with a high-precision Spot Application System that can put a dose of fertilizer or pesticides

  • What kind of soil types can the robot work in?

    The FarmDroid is able to work in different soil types. To increase traction, it is possible to add weight strategically on the robot while also putting more pressure when seeding.

  • Can the robot work if there is no sun?

    Yes, it can.

    The solar panels on top of the robot charge the batteries so that the robot can drive when there is no sun. Running solely on solar energy the robot can run between 18-24 hours a day, depending on weather conditions. The solar panels can deliver up to 1,6 kWh corresponding to 20 kWh a day. That gives the FarmDroid enough power to avoid charging the batteries externally.

    If that is not enough power, it is also possible to add a Powerbank to your robot. When the weather is bad for longer periods, and there is not enough sun to power your FarmDroid, the Powerbank will provide you with extra energy. A fully charged Powerbank can provide up to 12 hours of operation. Learn more about the Powerbank here.

  • When did you sell the first robots?

    We sold the first commercial robots in 2019, and since then we have sold more than 400 robots worldwide. Read more about our story here.

  • How many rows can the robot be configured with?

    The robot can be configured with up to 12 rows and a row spacing from 22,5 cm. Read more about our FarmDroid FD20 platform here

  • Do you have to supervise the robot while it works?

    No. The robot is autonomous, meaning that it can work independently and without supervision. We have several safety measures, which allows the robot to work unsupervised.