Transplanting is hard work, so we started looking for alternatives

- A customer story with Karl Henrik Hansen from Skovly Kål, Denmark

Crops: Kale

Seasons: 7 (Since 2019)

Skovly Kål started 25 years ago and today they have 6 ha green kale. Some years ago, they started wondering how they could do less hard work. They searched online and talked about their options because transplanting was too much work.

They found a video on YouTube with FarmDroid and thought it was interesting, so they decided to try it out.

With FarmDroid they went directly from transplanting to seeding. Considering how much time they have saved and the impressive result they have achieved with the FarmDroid, it is much better compared to transplanting.

When they weed with the FarmDroid, the kale is left untouched, and the plants stand straight in the rows. It has saved them a lot of time and much money.

In the future they also expect to use the robot for both red and white cabbage as well as cauliflower. It is important for them to show that the FarmDroid can be used for other vegetables and not only sugar beets. The robot has shown that it can do the work, so they want to use it more.

Some of the advantages of the FarmDroid:

  1. It is solar powered, so there are no expenses for fuel
  2. It is timesaving, you can leave it running in the field and if an error occurs you will get notified
  3. It is economic, you have only minimal expenses
  4. It does a great job!
