It can do a lot and also runs on solar!

- A customer story with Morten Olsen from Rønnely, Denmark

Crops: Sugar beet, Beetroot, Parsnip

Seasons: 4 (Since 2022)

Morten Olsen has a farm in Svinninge, Denmark that he has taken over from his dad. He has been an organic farmer for 6 years. His family has grown organic vegetables for almost 50 years.

Morten uses the FarmDroid for beetroots. It is extremely time-consuming to keep the beetroots clean from weed. The robot replaces both a tractor for seeding and human workforce for manual weeding. The robot runs throughout the entire season. It is an advantage that it can drive outside of normal working hours.

FarmDroid has made the seeding and weeding season much more efficient for Morten. He has saved a lot of resources by investing in the robot both with respect to manual labor, wages, and fuel. The robot is not a big transition for him compared to other farming equipment. It is easy to use. You look at how it performs and adjust it according to the ideal result.
