Stecomat, who is a distributor of FarmDroid in France, nominated the FarmDroid FD20 as a contender for the SIMA Innovation Awards 2021. The FarmDroid was selected as a runner-up in the category, Soils and Crops.
The winners were revealed at a digital ceremony on April 22nd. Here Niek Jansingh, manager of Stecomat, received the award on behalf of FarmDroid. See the video below at around 11:59 in.
FarmDroid was nominated in a great group of other innovative products like smart intelligent spray control systems and precision fertilizer spreader. The judges said about FarmDroid:
“In this booming area of agricultural robotics, your versatile system for drilling and mechanical weeding through the accurate location of the sown seed is an original feature that the judges appreciated. In any case, it saves the robot from the difficult subsequent surveying of the crop while offering a working area consistent with high added value crops.”
At FarmDroid we are honored to have received this award and will continue to deliver sustainable robots for farmers around the world.