FarmDroid’s unique seeding system is extremely precise. We can seed with down to 8 mm precision. The seeding system enables the robot to weed with the same precision as when seeding – both interrow and intrarow.
Thanks to our unique seeding system we can seed with down to 8 mm precision. More specifically, this means that we can place seeds with 8 mm distance. Just think about it… Imagine two seeds with 1 cm between them. Now picture the two seeds with even less distance – 8 mm is actually very close.
Since the robot seeds the crops by itself using high-precision RTK GPS technology, it knows the exact position of every seed in the field. It thus knows precisely where to clean – and where not to clean! Our special designed seeding system enables the robot to weed equally as precise as it can seed, that is, with down to 8 mm precision. It can weed really close to the crop both between the rows and inside the rows.
Our one-of-a-kind seeding system ensures precise seeding and weeding of crops. It creates a perfect seeding pattern in the field.
With our seeding system we can seed more than 30 different crops. Originally the robot was made to work in sugar beets. However the demand for robots in farming to reduce the hard and tiring work of weeding in the field is universal. Ever since we have been working closely together with farmers to test different seeds with the system and we continually add new types to our compatible list.
Today the robot has taken care of many different crops with success. You can find some of its compatible crops here. We are constantly testing new seeds in collaboration with farmers and distributors. It is our goal to help as many farmers as possible make their crop production autonomous and sustainable, thereby continuously expanding the capability of the robot.
Facts about our seeding system:
- Integrated machine, so when you buy your first robot, it will do both seeding and weeding
- Down to 8 mm precision
- Based on RTK GPS technology
- Can seed more than 30 different crops
- Enables exceptionally precise weeding between the rows & inside the rows
- Creates a perfect seeding pattern