FarmDroid turns 5 years


Published: 30. March 2023

At the beginning of March, we celebrated our 5-year birthday! To celebrate our birthday and mark how far we have come, we invited our first customers and people who have played an important role in where we are as a company today.

A lot has happened to FarmDroid since our founder Jens Warming first got the idea in 2011 we started in 2018. We wanted to show the first customers where we are today. 

Jens V. Warming on how he got the idea

The farmers who believed in our product in 2019 and bought the first commercial version of FarmDroid FD20 are the reason why FarmDroid is the biggest producer of automatic field robots with over 50 employees and over 350 robots running in more than 12 countries.

Our VIP visitors got an exclusive presentation of FarmDroid’s journey, the company, the robot as it is today, and what we have in the pipeline for the future. The presentation was followed by a tour of our facilities and a good look at how the FarmDroid FD20 is looking today.

After the tour, we served coffee and cake for our guests and employees and finished the day with a foodtruck and drinks.

We want to thank everyone who participated and made the day a success.